• Hatching
  • Individual and run data collection.
  • Charts & listing of weight and temperature vitals.
  • Individual health checklists.
  • Photo albums.
  • Recording of prescriptions including egg and meat withdrawal data.
  • Recording of vaccinations.
  • Links and contact details.
  • Different levels of notes.

Creating Your User Details

Upload the app to your Home Screen using the upload arrow symbol and selecting “add to Home Screen”. After clicking on the iRecord symbol on your home screen, select sign-up and choose your login details: e-mail and password and then press login.

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Getting Started - New Bird

The first thing you need to do is to create your flock. Click on the “New Bird” icon. A form will display with different fields to fill in.
The only field which is mandatory is the “Bird Id”. This needs to be numerical.
You can search for a specific bird in the « My Flock » section with either the name or ID number you have entered. The ID reference number will collect the bird’s information throughout its life cycle.

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My Runs

This section is similar to the MY FLOCK section and can be used to record and follow the feed, supplements and medication given to a group of birds identified in the app as « Runs ».

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My Flock

All the birds or groups you have registered will be shown as a list.
A search box is available at the top to quickly bring up the record of a particular bird. The search can be run through the bird’s ID, or its name. The search is not case sensitive. To bring up, edit or record new information on a particular bird, click on the information shown of that bird.

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In this section you will find useful information concerning the interior and exterior anatomy of different birds as well as information concerning eggs in general. There is also an Avian Score Chart which concerns the Body Condition of a bird and is rated 1 to 5.

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A Calendar has been provided to record events. You can add and edit an event from the monthly view screen. By clicking on the three bars all the events will show up as a list, the most recent first. An event can also be created by clicking on the + symbol.

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Egg Hatch

Here you will find the possibility to record and follow the dates for incubating your fertilised eggs. By clicking on the add new batch button, you will be able to add a new record. Click on the record in the listing to view, edit or delete a batch.

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Links & Contacts

These two sections allow you to impute any relevant link or contact you may want to register concerning your flock. When filling in the NEW CONTACT form, a box has been supplied to enter the information of the breed for a breeder’s contact.

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Archived Birds

This section will show all the birds you have archived either through death or sale.

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My Account

Details concerning your account ; your e-mail, User Name and Full Name can be found here. You will also find a direct link to the Privacy Policy and the possibility to delete your account and all pertaining information.

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Here you will find several calculators. If you have a doubt on how to use the dosage calculator, please ask your vet before administrating any medication. This calculator is supplied for professional use only.

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My Notes

Here you can jot down any general notes you may want to write. The notes created can be edited or deleted in HISTORY. You can also add a new note by clicking on the green « + » icon.

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