My Runs

This section is similar to the MY FLOCK section and can be used to record and follow the feed, supplements and medication given to a group of birds.

The Feed & Supplements, Medication and Run Notes contain a blank form in ADD NEW and the information recorded can be consulted in HISTORY.

Below HISTORY and ADD NEW, are three buttons:
The first two concern the daily tasks to be accomplished for the Run for « Medication » and/or « Feed & Supplements ». You can edit or delete and tick that the task is completed of any given task.
The third button concerns meat and egg withdrawal dates after medicating a run.

Feed & Supplements
This records the food and supplements plan you have chosen for a Run. From chick to adult, the birds diets will change to accommodate different or special needs for proper growth. You can record and follow special supplements.
There is a food/supplements category in MY FLOCK for food and supplements given to a particular bird or group.

The output of the form you have saved can be consulted, modified or deleted in the HISTORY « FEED & SUPPLEMENTS ».
At the top of this section you will find suggested Toxic Foods and Treats.
This form allows you to impute and follow up any medication you are administrating to a Run.
You may or may not want to differentiate between the Medication Product Quantity/Unit and the Dose Quantity/Unit. If you don’t know how to impute this information, your vet can give you the correct data or it can usually be found in the medication’s posologie information sheet.
The output of the form you have saved can be consulted, modified or deleted in the HISTORY section « MEDICATION ».
Withdrawal Dates
Your recorded dates for the withdrawal of eggs and meat consumption can be consulted by clicking on the “Withdrawal Dates” button in the top right corner in the My Flock, and My Runs main sections. The information concerning the dates affected is imputed by ticking the “Egg/Meat Withdrawal” box when filling in the Bird/Group or Run Medication Forms. Egg and meat withdrawal periods are supplied either by your vet or in the information sheet supplied with the medication. Important : BOTH boxes « Prescription » AND « Egg/Meat Withdrawal » need to be ticked for this information to be monitored.

Run Notes
Any notes concerning your runs can be created here. Notes can then consulted, modified or deleted in HISTORY « NOTES ».