My Flock

All the birds or groups you have registered will be shown as a list.
A search box is available at the top to quickly bring up the record of a particular bird or group. The search can be run through the bird’s ID, or its name. The search is not case sensitive. To bring up, edit or record new information on a bird or group, click on the relative name/ID shown.

The « i » button in the upper right hand corner, will bring up the relative User manual section.
Feel free to e-mail us if you do not find the reply to a question and the answer will be included in this pop-up if relevant. Once in the My Flock section, the following records are available to complete or consult.
To return to the Home Menu, simply click on the three bars in the upper left hand corner.

Daily Tasks
Underneath the search box at the top of the page, there are three fields available.
“Medication” on the left, covers a particular day’s tasks to be accomplished.
To choose a date, click on the date in the top field and a calendar will appear. After selecting a date, you can directly delete and edit a task here.
The information is extracted from the medical input forms you filled in for a bird or group. By clicking on the green dosing button in the bottom right hand corner of that box, you can confirm that the medication has been administrated. You can tick off up to three doses per day and up to seven days. At the beginning of a new week, you can « clear all » to start over. A dosing button is also available by clicking on the HISTORY « medication » button of a particular bird/group.
To add a medication and thus a task, you can either click on the pen symbol here and an additional form will appear, or you can go to the relative bird’s file and click on the new medication button. The task of administrating the medication will automatically be added to your tasks on a daily basis.
“Feed & Supplements” in the middle, shows the details of an individual bird or group’s diet for a particular day. You can edit or delete the tasks shown.
« Withdrawal Dates » on the right concerns meat and egg withdrawal dates you have registered in the medication section of a bird following the administration of antibiotics for example.

our recorded dates for the withdrawal of eggs and meat consumption can be consulted by clicking on the “Withdrawal Dates” button in the top right corner in the My Flock, and My Runs main sections. The information concerning the dates affected is imputed by ticking the “Egg/Meat Withdrawal” box when filling in the Bird/Group or Run Medication Forms. Egg and meat withdrawal periods are supplied either by your vet or in the information sheet supplied with the medication.
Important : BOTH boxes « Prescription » AND « Egg/Meat Withdrawal » need to be ticked for this information to be monitored.

Your Flocks Individual Records

By clicking on a specific bird or group, everything you registered when creating that file will appear here.

Below the VITALS chart and listing, there are two buttons; one to edit the relevant main record and a button allowing you to archive a bird or group (for more information concerning archiving a bird, go to the relevant section below).

The date, temperature and weight of the bird chosen is imputed here. A line graph and a listing is generated.
You can can choose whether to view the generated information by clicking on the button with the graph or list icon.
To generate a graph, at least two individual weight/temperature records need to be entered. The listing option will show all records.

The dates selected at the top of the graph and listing section can be changed to show the relevant loss or gain in weight and the increase or lowering of temperature.

This is a quick health care check up of a bird.
Enter a date to start recording and then suggestions of how the bird should look are above and details of how the bird actually is, can be entered in the corresponding box.

The output of the form you have saved can be consulted, modified or deleted in the HISTORY section « OBSERVATIONS » .
Food & Supplements
This records the food and supplements plan you have chosen for a particular bird or group. From chick to adult, the flock's diet will change to accommodate different or special needs for proper growth. You can record and follow special supplements by bird or group. There is a food/supplements category in MY RUNS for food and supplements given to a group of birds in the same run.

The output of the form you have saved can be consulted, modified or deleted in the HISTORY section « FOOD & SUPPLEMENT ».
This form allows you to impute and follow up any medication you are administrating to a bird or group whilst under your care.
You may or may not want to differentiate between the Medication Product Quantity/Unit and the Dose Quantity/Unit. If you don’t know how to impute this information, your vet can give you the correct data or it can usually be found in the medication’s posologie information sheet.

The output of the form you have saved can be consulted, modified or deleted in the HISTORY section « MEDICATION ».
In Depth
This is a more detailed form for any given bird than the Observations Form. It is a check list and is helpful to follow up a particular problem i.e. the evolution of an illness or injury.

The output of the form you have saved can be consulted, modified or deleted in the HISTORY section « IN DEPTH » .
Health Images
This is where you would store the images of a medical problem. It is helpful to have a faeces image which could help to reflect the state of health. The bigger the image, the more time your records will take to display.
The information and images can be deleted or updated here. By clicking on the « + » symbol you can directly add on an image.

Images you have saved can be consulted, modified, deleted or added to in the HISTORY section « HEALTH IMAGES».
Photo Album
Different photos can be stored here of the bird or group at different stages of life from chick to adult.
The bigger the image, the more time your records will take to display.
The information and images can be deleted or updated here.
By clicking on the « + » symbol you can directly add on an image to this bird’s file.

Images you have saved can be consulted, modified, deleted or added to, in the HISTORY section« PHOTO ALBUM».
This is where you would record if your bird or group is vaccinated, against what and if it is a yearly dose.

The output of the form you have saved can be consulted, modified or deleted in the HISTORY section« VACCINATIONS».
Medical Notes
Any extra medical notes you may want to add can be written here.

The notes you have saved can be consulted, modified or deleted in the HISTORY section « MEDICAL NOTES ».
Any other notes than medical can be created here.

Notes can then consulted, modified or deleted in HISTORY section« NOTES ».